1-2-3 GO!


Do you remember hearing this before a band-aid was pulled off when you were a child?  Well I am not so young, but I feel it applies for me today.  I have wanted to write a blog for some time.  My first excuse was that I did not know how to set one up.  My wonderful friend from Society Children Book Writers and Illustrators of the Carolinas (SCBWI Carolinas), Joan Edwards, came over one day and helped me with that roadblock.  Thank you, Joan!

However, after she left I kept staring at the blinking cursor seeing nothing but a blank page and hearing only cricket noise.  I wanted to write something meaningful, something that would make people want to come back to read week after week. I assumed that meant perfection.  So I did what I do best and began to research on how to write your first blog-I have obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) tendencies when it comes to research for my writing, craft ideas, looking for ways to stop procrastinating by doing too much research, etc.  You don’t even want to know how long I searched for the band-aid image!

Finally, I decided it is best to just go and write it.   And like ripping off the band-aid, I will rip off my defenses and open myself up to the readers.

I chose Creating Through the Pain, as my blog’s name because it describes the last 13 years of my life.  I had a teeny little blood clot that morphed into Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy (RSD), a chronic neurological pain disease that started in my left leg and has spread now to the right foot and both hands.  As a result, I had to switch from my corporate to my more creative side.  Eventually this led to my family making a geographical move we never thought we would.  Please understand that not every unexpected event led me happily to a change.  Actually most of them had me kicking and screaming because there was pain (physical and emotionally) and no immediate payoff was in sight for quite a while.  I had no way to prepare or research the options on which path would be better—did I mention I was OCD about research?  However, I can look back on the last 13 years and though it is not the path I ever thought I would take, I am happy where I am at this moment-that could change tomorrow or even the next hour but for now it is good.

All of our circumstances are not the same, but hopefully you and I can share how we each nurture our creative side and push through life’s unexpected twists and turns along the way. So here I go, 1-2-3 -POST!

I would love to hear from you!   Please share your unexpected event that led you down the path to creativity.


12 thoughts on “1-2-3 GO!

  1. I came across your blog through Holley Gerth and coffee for your heart. You sound a little bit like me when I started my blog last year… after my unexpected twist and turn of a cancer diagnosis. I have grown and learned so much! I’m just starting to create again after finishing treatment – hand made cards. I’ve started a card ministry “in the GAP” (encouraging others so they can experience God’s Amazing Peace) and want to use my experience to help and encourage others. It’s neat to see how God can use all of our stuff for good!

    I’d love to read your book. A book that made an impact on me in Jr. High was Flowers for Hiroshima.



    • Dear Terri,
      Thank you so much for visiting. God’s Amazing Peace-what a great way to inspire others-I will check that out. I so agree how God can turn are toughest, saddest experiences into something better than we would think of. I keep praying for the grace to realize it. 🙂 I will keep you posted on the book 🙂
      Blessings to you as well!


  2. Kevin gendron says:

    Kevin. Great job Kathy. Too bad we didn’t still live close so that you could help me start mine. Would not be as insightful as yours though. Keep it up.


  3. Kathy,
    I love the title of your post, the layout you chose, and how you tied it to your desire to begin a blog. I think you have a lot to offer readers. How brilliant–to encourage us to share our joys and sorrows and writing experiences. Sounds like a winning combination. All that research paid off!

    I will share what unexpected event led to my current picture book manuscript. I played a game with a five-year-old that I created on the spot to entertain him. He was waiting on his grandpa to complete his physical therapy program. I decided to adapt the game experience into a story. What fun!

    I look forward to visiting your blog often.


    • Linda, I love that the on the spot entertaining of a child sparked the story! Perfect example! I bet it will be a great book! Thank you for all your encouragement!


  4. Joan Y. Edwards says:

    Dear Kathleen,
    You, go, girl. I am very proud of you. You did a great job! You are amazing. Your creative side will help you find wonderful ways to celebrate who you are!

    Never Give Up


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