On This Mother’s Day

Since my mom passed away, Mother’s Day seems to sneak up on me. I admit that I still turn the channel if a Mother’s Day commercial comes on-I just don’t have enough tissues in the house 😊.

This Mother’s Day is the first one (I’m sure of many) when I’m not with my daughter. We are still adjusting that she will be studying in Tokyo for another 3 months (although, the first month seemed to whizz by). But thankfully the ability to video chat and text her through the LINE app on our phone without any cost, helps a great deal!

I remember my very first Mother’s Day-my daughter was 6 months old and she sat up by herself for the first time-I of course convinced myself that she waited to do that just for me, on that day. I also remember my Mom thanking me that day for giving her a granddaughter to love.

I remember the Mother’s Day a few years later, after I had spent so much time very ill in the hospital with the debilitating blood clot, my then 4-year-old daughter gave me an adorable handmade card of a heart. Inside the heart she drew a picture of her and I holding hands-best stick people ever 😊 When she handed it to me, she hugged me and whispered in my ear, Thank you for not going to heaven. I can’t even……. ❤ I don’t think I could ever truly put into words how my heart felt at that moment.

On this Mother’s Day, the Japanese Wi-Fi refused to cooperate, and we could not video chat. Instead, we used our cell phones to have an actual conversation (seems like we use them for so many other things like texting or reading instead-I’m not alone in this, right?). Later that day, she emailed me pictures from her recent trip to Hiroshima with some classmates. One picture in particular- the Peace Bell in Hiroshima Peace Park stood out to me.

This bell designed by Masahiko Katori in 1964 displays a world without national borders embossed on the front.  The wooden beam strikes the atomic energy symbol carved on the bell, representing the end of nuclear weapons. Because each strike represents a message of peace to be heard in every heart around the world, there is also a mirror that reflects the person (their heart) ringing the bell. Inspiration for Yuriko’s words at the New Year celebration in THE LAST CHERRY BLOSSOM, “But with each bong I sat wishing, Peace, peace, peace…”

Looking at that picture of Sara striking the Peace Bell with love in her heart for my Mom, the family members we lost, and all the victims touched my heart and gave me such a feeling of connection-like a warm hug from my daughter and my Mom.

Perhaps another reason this Mother’s Day snuck up on me is that I’m recovering from a surgical procedure. Turns out, having your Ilial vein constricted by your Ilial artery in your pelvis, is actually a thing. It’s called May-Thurner Syndrome.  Unfortunately, the angioplasty done last week, isn’t working as the doctor had hoped. So now the next plan is to put a stent in that vein in June.  It’s not an urgent matter, just means more time with the extra pain,swelling, and my foot turning a lovely shade of sea green(but, maybe an excuse to buy more clothes that will match it, yeah? 🙂 )  I haven’t exactly gotten past the frustration and disappointment about needing the stent, yet. It will probably take one more round of crispy rice treats…

However, I have an upcoming event that I’m looking forward to speaking at- Animazement in Raleigh on May 25 and 26th (which, if my husband is reading this post-is our 27th wedding anniversary weekend-just sayin’). Attending the event has been in the planning stages for several months and I’m honored that they invited me. Plus, waiting a few weeks until June, will give my body time to heal at the incision spot. I always fear that the RSD burning pain will develop at an incision site. But, so far so good and I hope that with some time in between to heal, it will be the same after the stent procedure.

Because of these recent events, I did not get cards out. So, I would like to say that I’m so very grateful for all the women in my life who have been(but are no longer here) and are like another mother to me now. I’m forever grateful that I had so many wonderful years celebrating my Mom on Mother’s Day with her and that I’m blessed with a loving daughter to celebrate Mother’s Day with me-even if this year it’s from the other side of the world with the striking of a bell.

Wishing all Mom’s and people who are “like a mother” to someone they love, a belated, yet a very Happy Mother’s Day along with a warm hug! ❤


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14 thoughts on “On This Mother’s Day

    • Thank you Beth. I was also thinking of you, your mom, and grandma when I was writing this post. Wishing you a low pain week. So glad we finally got together and look forward to seeing you again!Sending a gentle hug ❤


  1. sandra214 says:

    What a blessing to have had a mother like yours and a daughter who could give you such a special Mother’s Day gift by ringing that bell.

    With every blog post my admiration for you and all you’ve lived through soars. You inspire me and I’m sure all who your writings touch, with your attitude about your health issues. I’m sure it doesn’t feel like courage to you but to me, you’re one of the most courageous persons I know. I too am sending prayers for better health.

    Sandra 🙂


    • Sandra, thank you so much. Yes, I’m so grateful for these blessings. That is so very sweet of you to say-you are too kind, but that means a lot to me. Thank you for your prayers. Sending you a hug ❤


  2. Wishing you a quicker recovery that you expected. Every time you write about being a mother, and missing our mtohers, my emotions overfill. I’m glad we have wonderful memories to remind us of our mothers andthei rlove. Sending hugs and positive thoughts for better health, Kathleen.


    • Thank you so much Sheri. I think of you too-I know it is emotional for you as well. And yes, I’m so glad we have wonderful memories and their love.Thank you so much for the prayers and the hugs. Sending one back to you ❤


  3. mastershandcollection says:

    Hi Kathleen! Like you, I lost my mom some time ago and Mother’s Day tends to sneak up on me. It can be difficult but I’m grateful for the love and friendship we had. I’m sorry to hear about your health troubles. Saying a prayer for you today and wishing you a speedy recovery. So glad to be your neighbor at Coffee for Your Heart. Many blessings!


    • Thank you so very much for visiting. I love being able to meet such wonderful people through Coffee for your Heart. Praying for blessings for you as well. Thank you for sharing that I’m not alone in Mother’s day sneaking up. I really appreciate that. Sending a gentle hug ❤


  4. Kathleen, I had never heard of the peace bell before. That’s such a powerful symbol. Thank you for sharing that with us. I know how hard it is to miss a parent. Thinking of you!


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